Enemies & Bosses

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Common Enemies

Icon Name Description HP
Zombie Bunny.png
Gombie Just a common Gombie, dedicated to bring down all bunnies 30
Big Wombie Wombies are slow, but do not underestimate them in groups 180
Tick Ticks often roll in groups, single shot weapons tend to struggle against them 10
Enforcer Corrupted machines originally created by Nikki, high knockback resistance 90
Brainie Little babies to The Brain, they continuously shoot projectiles when close enough 75
Zombie Bunny.png
Bombie It Explodes! 60
Rage Gombie Stronger, faster, better version of the Gombie. 135
Pigsassin A tricky invisible enemy. When it touches the hero's light it becomes visible. 90

Epic Enemies


Icon Name Description HP Weakness
Absorber An enemy that will sometimes create a shield that absorbs projectiles 2500-4500 When their shield is down they are vulnerable
Samurai A very dangerous enemy from the future. On the hunt to find and destroy Porter. It wields a sword that attacks from to left and right. Deals double damage (40 DMG). 400-800 They cant attack very well above or below
Annihilator A very elusive enemy that stays at the top or bottom of the screen and will shoot lasers periodically 1600-5600 They only attack in a straight line
Icon Name Description HP Attack
The Brain.png
The Brain A large infected brain that slowly moves towards the hero, found in Normal, Hard, Insane, & Endless modes 10,000-60,000 Barrage
The Collector.png
The Collector A tentacle cryochamber that heals when it touches an XP, found in Hard, Insane, & Endless modes 5000-40,000 Mass Collect, Sacrifice
The Phantom.png
The Phantom The Phantom teleports between each corner of the map casting various spells that heal, shield, and summon an array of lasers. Found in Insane & Endless modes 2500-32,000 Remedy, Light Bringer, Safeguard