Hero Powerups

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Hero Powerups are temporary Powerups that are specific to each hero which do something related to the hero.

Icon Name Description Mastery Hero
New Powerups7.png
Haze's Plague Instantly poison all enemies on screen +1 Poison Mastery Haze
Pinball Machine For 5 seconds every enemy killed releases 3 bouncy bullets +1 Dodge Mastery Porter
New Powerups6.png
Mag's Discharge Instantly attract all XP on screen and get 100% critical strike chance for 10 seconds +1 Critical Mastery Mag
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Mo's Bombs Drops 6 bombs around the hero that do damage equal to the Hero's maximum ammo count N/A Mo
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Bone's Cemetary For 5 seconds every enemy killed summons a doggo +1 Summon Mastery Bones
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Nikki's Repair For 5 seconds every turret shoots 5 projectiles +1 Summon Mastery Nikki
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Rooty's Forest Instantly Root (freeze) every enemy on screen temporarily +1 Rooted Mastery Rooty
New Powerups1.png
Payne's Rage Increases Pain damage by 300% +1 Pain Mastery Payne
P and blink1.png
Blink's Trail Drops a Vuelle bomb every second for 10 seconds N/A Blink
P and blink2.png
Pulse's Armor For 10 seconds Increase Damage Reduction by 40% and heal 10 HP every time you are hit for 10 seconds +1 Armor Mastery Pulse